Huggingface Token Authentication

Some models have restrictions and may require some sort of approval or agreement process, which, by consequence, requires token-authentication with Huggingface.

Here is how you can generate a "read-only public repositories" access token to log into your account on Huggingface, directly from bazel, in order to download models.

  • log in at
  • click on "Create new token"
  • give the token a name, eg zml_public_repos
  • under Repositories, grant the following permission: "Read access to contents of all public gated repos you can access".
  • at the bottom, click on "Create token".
  • copy the token by clicking Copy. You won't be able to see it again.
  • the token looks something like hf_abCdEfGhijKlM.
  • store the token on your machine (replace the placeholder with your actual token):
echo -n <hf_my_token> > `$HOME/.cache/huggingface/token`

The -n is important in order to not append an "end of line" character at the end of the file that would corrupt the token.

Now you're ready to download a gated model like Meta-Llama-3-8b!


# requires token in $HOME/.cache/huggingface/token
cd examples
bazel run -c opt //llama:Meta-Llama-3-8b
bazel run -c opt //llama:Meta-Llama-3-8b -- --promt="Once upon a time,"