How to port Pytorch models to ZML ?


We assume you already have a working ZML project, and you can run it with a Bazel command like bazel run //my_project:torch2zml. You can refer to write your first model to do so. We also assume that you know enough Python to run the reference implementation.


Porting Neural Network implementations can be tedious. Some small errors can degrade the output of the model, in subtle or not so subtle ways. To track down errors in a model with four thousand layers, we best be organized.

By the way if you are interested in a specific model, be careful that not all implementations of a model you can find on Github are equivalent. Sometimes people introduce subtle bugs when porting across Python libraries. Ideally use the author's implementation, or at least one you have tested yourself.

The recommended process is as follows:

  1. run the reference implementation on a known input, and sample layer activations
  2. start a ZML project and load the sampled reference activations
  3. start porting layers one by one, and test individual layers
  4. end-to-end test the model

Sampling reference activations

Pytorch exposes "forward hooks" that allow to inspect the input/output of each torch.nn.Module. That way it is possible to create a dictionary with each layer input/output, keyed by the name of the layer.

The main caveat is that if you have a functional implementation that doesn't use torch.nn.Module, this technique won't work.

It is the easiest to start from a "huggingface" snippet, or a python script that calls the model of your choice on an example input. eg:

import torch
import transformers

model_path = "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B"

pipeline = transformers.pipeline(
    model_kwargs={"torch_dtype": torch.float16},
    # device="cuda",

prompt = "Q: What is the largest animal?\nA:"
output = pipeline(prompt)

Then edit the script to import zml_utils. is standalone and currently it's not distributed as a python package, so the simplest way to use it, is to copy it next to your python script. Then wrap the model/pipeline in a zml_utils.ActivationCollector. The collector wraps the given model, and returns the original results AND the activations in a dict of torch.Tensor when it's being called. After that, you can save those activations to a .pt file.

import torch
import transformers
import zml_utils

model_path = "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B"

pipeline = transformers.pipeline(
    model_kwargs={"torch_dtype": torch.float16},
    # device="cuda",
model, tokenizer = pipeline.model, pipeline.tokenizer

prompt = "Q: What is the largest animal?\nA:"
# Wrap the pipeline, and extract activations.
# Activations files can be huge for big models,
# so let's stop collecting after 1000 layers.
pipeline = zml_utils.ActivationCollector(pipeline, max_layers=1000, stop_after_first_step=True)
output, activations = pipeline(prompt)

# Save activations to a file.
filename = model_path.split("/")[-1] + "", filename)
print(f"Saved {len(activations)} activations to {filename}")

Run this script: python

If you're using HuggingFace, make note of the local path where the model is saved, it should be something like ~/.cache/huggingface/hub/.... (and should appear on the console when running the script). We will need it in the next steps.

Loading model and activations in ZML

Let's create a basic ZML program that loads the activations and the Pytorch model. Put the following in my_project/torch2zml.zig.

const std = @import("std");
const log = std.log;

const asynk = @import("async");
const zml = @import("zml");

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();
    try asynk.AsyncThread.main(gpa.allocator(), asyncMain, .{});

pub fn asyncMain() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();

    const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator);
    defer std.process.argsFree(allocator, args);

    const model_path, const activations_path = args[1..3].*;

    const activations = try, activations_path);
    defer activations.deinit();"Found {} activations in {s}", .{ activations.buffers.count(), activations_path });

    const model_weights = try zml.aio.detectFormatAndOpen(allocator, model_path);
    defer model_weights.deinit();"Found {} model layers in {s}", .{ model_weights.buffers.count(), activations_path });

And add a zig_cc_binary target in my_project/BUILD.bazel:

load("@zml//bazel:zig.bzl", "zig_cc_binary")

    name = "torch2zml",
    main = "torch2zml.zig",
    deps = [

Now check that the weights can be loaded correctly using the bazel CLI.

bazel build //my_project:torch2zml
./bazel-bin/my_project/torch2zml /path/to/my/model.safetensors.index.json ./my_project/

info: Found 1108 activations in /Users/guw/Documents/zml/models/torch2zml/
debug(zml_io): Loading shard: model-00004-of-00004.safetensors
debug(zml_io): Loading shard: model-00001-of-00004.safetensors
debug(zml_io): Loading shard: model-00002-of-00004.safetensors
debug(zml_io): Loading shard: model-00003-of-00004.safetensors
info: Found 291 model layers in /Users/guw/Documents/zml/models/torch2zml/

Loading an individual layer

In the above Zig code, the model_weights struct is a wrapper around a flat dictionary, containing an entry for each tensor in the model (similar to a "state dict"). Manipulating a dictionary is generally not very convenient, so let's convert it to a Zig struct.

Declare the following layer at the bottom of your file:

const Mlp = struct {
    up_proj: zml.nn.Linear,
    gate_proj: zml.nn.Linear,
    down_proj: zml.nn.Linear,

The zml.nn.Linear is the equivalent of torch.nn.Linear and is defined by its weight and optional bias tensors.

To create such a struct from our model_weights dictionary, we can use the zml.aio.populateModelWithPrefix helper:

pub fn asyncMain() !void {
    const mlp_shape = try zml.aio.populateModelWithPrefix(Mlp, allocator, model_weights, "model.layers.0.mlp");"layer.0.mlp: {}", .{mlp_shape});

Build and run, using previous commands.

Typical errors are of the form "Layer not found: ...". This is typically due to the naming of layers in Zig not matching the naming in the file. Double-check everything and don't hesitate to print more things, e.g. in the Python script. Alternatively, Huggingface's web-interface allows to peek into .safetensor files.

Testing an individual layer

Finally, we are going to write the actual math code for our MLP layer.

const Mlp = struct {
    up_proj: zml.nn.Linear,
    gate_proj: zml.nn.Linear,
    down_proj: zml.nn.Linear,

    pub fn forward(self: Mlp, x: Tensor) Tensor {
        const proj =, .forward, .{x});
        var output =, .forward, .{x});
        output = output.silu().mul(proj);
        return, .forward, .{output});

Note that we use instead of directly calling self.up_proj.forward(x). Calling forward directly results in the same computation happening at runtime; but going through allows ZML to generate an MLIR representation that is closer to the Zig code and therefore easier to read.

We can test the MLP layer with the zml.testing.testLayer utility:

pub fn asyncMain() !void {
    var ctx = try zml.Context.init();
    defer ctx.deinit();
    const platform = ctx.autoPlatform();
    const mlp_weights = try zml.aio.loadModelBuffers(Mlp, mlp_shape, model_weights, allocator, platform);

    zml.testing.testLayer(platform, activations, "model.layers.0.mlp", mlp_shape, mlp_weights, 1e-3);

During this phase, you have three kinds of errors that can appear:

  • Zig compilation errors: we've all have been there, learning a new language can be tough. Normally, the compiler should help you figure out what's wrong. You can also check ZML concepts that explains types used by ZML.
  • Buffer not found errors: be careful that you need to use the naming scheme of the inference pipeline when loading the activations. Depending on how you write your code, you may have a different naming convention in the model file and in the activation file. This is because in Python, and in particular the transformers library, it's not uncommon to wrap the model in a Pipeline object before using it. So a given layer may be named layer.0.mlp in the model file, but its activations may be saved under model.layer.0.mlp.
  • MLIR compilation errors: typically this is caused by a mathematical error in the forward function. To help here, you can log the shapes of the input and intermediary values:"x: {}", .{x}), and put similar print statements in the Python code. You can also consider splitting a big layer into smaller parts. Since our code only explicitly captures torch.nn.Module input/output, you may need to modify the Python script to add some extra tensors to the dictionary with example input/output of a specific function.

General tips

  • Porting models can be hard, especially if the original code is messy, has poor comments, behaves differently on different input shapes, or has unused code paths. Start by identifying parts of the Python code which are unused. It is common in research code that some code paths were written for one paper, but didn't get used in subsequent papers.

  • ZML offers a few Pytorch specific helpers in zml.torch; those operators are offered to help you port models, but in general they may have weird APIs. If you're lucky and the code you are porting has comments indicating "tags", eg "C,W,H" of tensors, you can port this to actual tensor attributes using x.withTags(.{.c, .w, .h}), and use those tags (eg .c) to refer to axes instead of offsets. E.g. in Pytorch: x.sum(0) # reduce over channel axis becomes x.sum(.c). More on this topic in "Working with tensors".